Fatima Fertilizer celebrates the sixth Kissan Day as a national triumph for Pakistan’s farmers Read More. UNDP launches the first-ever sustainability report in Pakistan under the SDG Impact Framework for Fatima Fertilizer Read More. Brand Icon for the year 2023! Read More. Visionary Leadership Workshop with Dr. Oleg Konovalov, the Da Vinci of Visionary Leadership Read More. Leading Sustainable Change for Pakistan | Fatima Fertilizer in partnership with UNDP Read More. Fatima Fertilizer awarded prestigious FPCCI Excellence Award by the President of Pakistan Read More. Fatima Fertilizer and Weather Walay Sign MOU to Enhance Farmer Support Read More. Fatima Fertilizer and ZTBL Sign MOU to Empower Farmers Read More. Asian Experience Awards 2024: Sarsabz Tabeer wins the prestigious Asian Experience Awards 2024 Singapore Read More. MOU Signing between FG and Biafo Industries Read More. Black Dragon Award: Salaam Kissan wins Black Dragon Award for the Best Social Media / Word Of Mouth Campaign. (DRAGONS Of Pakistan)


Providing sustainable seed development to ensure food security of Pakistan


Reviving cotton for a secure Pakistan

SANIFA is a volunteer effort of Pakistan’s three largest conglomerates—Sapphire Group, Nishat Group, and Fatima Group—to support the sustainability of the cotton crop in the country. SANIFA aims to enhance value across the value chain and create a win-win situation for the key stakeholders, namely, farmers, ginners, and the textile sector. By working through challenges and getting the fundamentals right, SANIFA is leading the way in showcasing a model for a sustainable solution for the cotton crop in Pakistan.

Ensuring purity with higher yields

SANIFA aspires to transform the seed industry by setting a new benchmark and creating a world-class seed organization. SANIFA seeds are taken from a single plant source and developed to their purest form over a period of five years. This makes them the most “purified” seeds on the market. SANIFA seeds have high resistance to stressful environments. Their crop vigor is much better than other seeds (including the same varieties from the market) during harsh rains and pest attacks. SANIFA has proper standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place to avoid seed mixing during the process of planting, harvesting, ginning, grading, and packaging.

SANIFA Seed Breeding Programme

SANIFA breeding programme is being led by Dr. Albert Santos who is one of the top-notch breeders in the world.  The breeding objectives are aligned with the company’s overall objectives to produce sustainable cotton in the country. SANIFA has adopted international standards and is breeding for:

  • High-yielding cotton varieties with high-quality fiber
  • CLCV monitoring program with international collaboration
  • Heat-tolerant varieties
  • Adaptable to different cotton geographies
  • Adaptable to mechanical planting and harvesting

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