Fatima Fertilizer celebrates the sixth Kissan Day as a national triumph for Pakistan’s farmers Read More. UNDP launches the first-ever sustainability report in Pakistan under the SDG Impact Framework for Fatima Fertilizer Read More. Brand Icon for the year 2023! Read More. Visionary Leadership Workshop with Dr. Oleg Konovalov, the Da Vinci of Visionary Leadership Read More. Leading Sustainable Change for Pakistan | Fatima Fertilizer in partnership with UNDP Read More. Fatima Fertilizer awarded prestigious FPCCI Excellence Award by the President of Pakistan Read More. Fatima Fertilizer and Weather Walay Sign MOU to Enhance Farmer Support Read More. Fatima Fertilizer and ZTBL Sign MOU to Empower Farmers Read More. Asian Experience Awards 2024: Sarsabz Tabeer wins the prestigious Asian Experience Awards 2024 Singapore Read More. MOU Signing between FG and Biafo Industries Read More. Black Dragon Award: Salaam Kissan wins Black Dragon Award for the Best Social Media / Word Of Mouth Campaign. (DRAGONS Of Pakistan)

Fatima Sugar – Shareholders Information

At Fatima Group we value our people & firmly believe they are the key to our success!

Share Holding Information

The schedule of the events/meetings etc. of the company for the current financial year.

Fatima Sugar Mills Limited - September 30, 2022

Financial FAQs

For our stakeholders benefit, answers to your questions about the Company.

  1. How do I contact Fatima Sugar Mills Limited’s Investor Relations department?
    Registered office:
    Multan, 2nd Floor, Trust Plaza L.M.Q. Road Multan
    Tel: 061- 4512031
    Marketing department at Head office: Lahore E-110, Khayaban-e-Jinnah, Lahore Cantt., Pakistan
    Tel: +92 42 111 FATIMA (111-328-462).

  2. When was Fatima Sugar Mills Limited established?
    Fatima Sugar Mills Limited was incorporated on September 20, 1988 under Companies Ordinance, 1984.

  3. Who are the key executive officers?
    Fawad Ahmed Mukhtar is the Chairman of the Fatima Sugar Mills Limited, Mr. Faisal Ahmed Mukhtar is the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mukhtar Baloch is the Chief Financial Officer and Mr. Aftab Ahmed Qaiser is the Company Secretary.

  4. When did the Company start its commercial production?
    Commercial production of the company commenced on 1st December, 1993.
For our stakeholders benefit, answers to your questions about the Company.

  1. How do I contact Reliance Weaving Mills Ltd Investor Relations department?
    Head Office: E-110, Khayaban-e-Jinnah, Lahore Cantt., Pakistan.
    Contact Number: +92 42 111-FATIMA (111-328-462)
    Fax Number: +92 42 3662 1389
    Registered Office: 2nd Floor Trust, Plaza, L.M.Q. Road, Multan
    Contact Number: 061 – 451 2031 – 2 & 061 – 450 9700
    Fax Number: 061 – 451 1677 & 061 – 458 4288
    Website: fatima-group.com
    Email: info@fatima-group.com

  2. When was Reliance Weaving Mills Limited established?
    Reliance Weaving Mills Limited (the Company) was founded by Late Mr. Mukhtar Ahmed Sheikh more than two decades ago. A Public Limited Company incorporated on April 07, 1990 and obtained Certificate for Commencement of Business on May 14, 1990.

  3. How can I be notified of your quarterly conference call webcasts, press releases and other company news?
    The financial publications are available on the website. You can also order hard copies through the ‘Contact’ Section. Furthermore, the Financial Calendar helps in determining the timings of all the financial events.

Account details will be confirmed via email.